Monday, May 28, 2012

Being Big Sister

Throughout my pregnancy, Audrey has been extremely excited about her new role as a Big Sister.  We have tried to involve her with most aspects of baby preparations such as washing his clothes and toys and arranging his room.  I think the effort has paid off, because I don't think there could have been any little girl more excited to see her little brother than Audrey was yesterday when she met Barrett for the first time.  Billy happened to catch a photo of her walking in the hospital room yesterday...priceless!

Once she got to see Barrett, she could take her eyes off of him.  Trying to get her to look at the camera long enough to get a picture was difficult; all she would do when he was around was gaze and smile at him.  At first, she did not want us to do anything to disturb him when he was quiet.  I asked Billy to take off his hat so everyone could see his hair, but Audrey wanted nothing of the sort because she thought he might not like it.  Eventually, she started to realize that he was not a china doll, and then she wanted to hug, kiss and hold him. 

Billy and I have had a reprieve while Audrey has been with my parents, so we've just had to focus on the two of us and Barrett for the past day.  Tonight that will change when she stays with us and Billy stays at home with her overnight and especially when Barrett and I go home tomorrow.  We are now a family of four and Audrey is officially a big sister. 

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