Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Final Preparations

I took the day off today to get a few last things out of the way before baby boy comes.  The dogs got their annual checkup at the vet, and I got my hair cut.  I also got a few last things done around the house and ran some errands.  At the end of the day, I visited the doctor for my weekly appointment.  The good news is that I have progressed from last week, so we're getting closer.  The better news is that I think we're ready; bags are packed for the hospital, baby boy's room is set up and decorated, clothes are washed, and bottles are cleaned.  We even put the car seat in the car tonight. 

The end of May is a busy time for birthdays with our family and freinds.  If baby boy is born over the next few days, he'll share a birthday with one of them.  I bet they'd all guess that he will be born on their birthday if you asked them. 

May 23:  My mom's cousin Louellen
May 24:  My brother Brian
May 25:  My friend Heidi
May 26:  My friend Carla
May 28:  My cousin Tim

At work I have a calendar outside of my cube where my coworkers have written their guesses for when baby boy will arrive.  As of yesterday, the next guess was some day this weekend; no one guessed earlier in the week.  They must actually want me to be at work a few more days.  I guess we'll find out soon enough! 

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