Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Is it Time Yet?

As of today, I am officially full term at 37 weeks.  Based on that, baby boy should be developed enough to be born without any complications.  He has dropped and I am starting to dilate, which are signs that the time is coming.  They also result in me even more uncomfortable; I am in full waddle-mode and can’t sit like a lady anymore because my belly is in the way.  I am trying to stay positive, but I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions consistently for a couple of weeks now, which makes it difficult to maintain perspective.  Every time I have a few in a row, my mind starts anticipating baby boy’s arrival in the near future.  Moreover, I’m getting to the point at work and home where everything is in order enough for me to maintain my sanity if he arrives now.  The combination of these elements is starting to make me impatient.

I am making a real effort not to complain or be in a hurry, but I admit that I am struggling.  I am constantly reminding myself that the longer baby boy stays inside of me, the more he will develop and the stronger he will be.  Every time I find myself wanting him to come now, I pray that God will give me patience to wait for his perfect timing.  I know that God has a plan and that his will is the best; he has proven this to me time and again.  Still, I am human, and I get impatient.  So, here’s to hoping that baby boy is healthy and strong, but that he doesn’t wait too long to get here!

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