Friday, June 1, 2012

Bringing Barrett Home

Tuesday morning, we packed up at the hospital and were ready to come home. I had rested up quite a bit and was excited to be leaving the hospital.  They tested Barrett that morning and that he was somewhat jaundiced, but not enough to stop us from taking him home.  He was eating well and filling diapers, which are good signs that he will get past the jaundice soon.  Then, our plan was delayed until mid-afternoon because the pediatrician wanted to do a hip ultrasound to check for hip dysplasia; the test came back normal, so we got to go home.  We were all so excited!

Once home, the normal craziness ensued.  We had to introduce the dogs to the baby, unpack bags, and continue the feeding/sleeping routine.  Billy also had to run to the pharmacy and the store.  By the time I got to lay down that night, all of the resting I'd done at the hospital had worn off...I was exhausted.  That first night his diapers kept leaking, then Audrey had an accident, so we were changing all sorts of sheets in the middle of the night instead of sleeping. 

Since we've gotten home, we went to the pediatrician and had more blood drawn to find that Barrett's jaundice is increasing. That of course is worrisome, even though his levels continue to be low enough that he doesn't need to be treated in a hospital. The fact that he had about 10 wet diapers yesterday is a good indicator that he is getting enough milk (which is the best way to help him overcome the jaundice), but the jaundice doesn't seem to be decreasing yet.  He also wants to eat about every hour.  Last night started out rough, with him wanting to eat every hour, which I guess is called cluster feeding.  Finally, after feeding him at 3:30, he slept from 4 am to 7:30.  I was shocked and overjoyed.  That was the longest I'd slept at one time since he was born.  I think God is giving us a reprieve and telling me to hang in there. 

Today was Billy's last day at home, so I took advantage and slept a lot. Billy cleaned the house and got a whole host of other things done. I also got out the moby wrap, which I think Barrett likes.  He is sleeping in it as I sit here typing.  Bringing Barrett home hasn't been quite what I expected, but we are finding unexpected joys in each day and learning to live as a family of four.

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