Sunday, May 27, 2012

Perfect Timing

Last night we went to a wedding for one of Billy's friends from Boeing.  We had a great night with friends dancing and having fun.  After we got home and were preparing for bed, I kept praying for guidance about our plans to drive to Greenville today to spend the rest of the weekend on the lake.  Greenville is 1.5 hours from the hospital where we planned to deliver baby boy, and it made me nervous to be that far away when I had such a quick labor with Audrey.  I fell asleep praying that God would make it clear to me if we were not supposed to go to Greenville.  Well, God is faithful, and at 4:30 this morning I started having the undeniable labor contractions.  They were far enough a part I let Billy sleep a while longer while I took a shower and got my things ready.  We left home about 7:20 and arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later. 

Just 2 hours later, we welcomed our baby boy.  Barrett William Nance was born at 9:39 a.m. today.  He weighs 8 pounds 12 ounces and measures 20 3/4 inches long. So far he has been very good.  He is eating well; when I first started nursing him, he didn't want to stop.  He has also been pretty easy going; he doesn't cry a lot unless he is dirty or hungry, and those are easy things to fix.

I too am doing well.  I made it through labor without any pain medication; don't give me too much credit though, because my labor was quite short compared to many women.  I do feel much more like myself this time though, and I think it is because I do not have all of the drugs in my system.  God really was watching out for me, because as frustrated as I have been by all of the pre-labor contractions, I know that they were just preparing me to make the actual labor short and relatively easy.

As the title of the post indicates, Barrett's arrival is truly God's perfect timing.  We were at home, only 20 minutes from the hospital. Audrey was already in Greenville with my parents because they watched her so we could go to the wedding.  The delivery was in the morning, so we get almost 2 whole days (and more importantly 2 whole nights) in the hospital to recover before going home.  It also made it easier for me to get through the labor without medication because it was just Billy and I at the hospital until after Barrett was born.  Praise God for taking care of us and bringing our baby boy safely into this world!       

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