Sunday, May 6, 2012

One Month to Go!

Can you believe it?  We are now less than one month away from baby boy's due date.  The past few months have been absolutely crazy, but the past few weeks things have settled down.  Today we actually woke up without a real plan; it was a great day.  We ran some errands, finished getting a few things for baby boy's room, I got a mani/pedi while Audrey took a nap, and Billy got to relax and take a nap with her.  I am looking forward to a couple more weekends like this before the craziness of having a newborn re-enters our world.  Audrey frequently says that she is ready for her baby brother to, "come out and be born."  Each time she says it my body screams, "Yes...PLEASE," and my brain screams, "Please NOT yet!"  Once I reach 37 weeks and get a few more big tasks out of the way at work, I think both my brain and body will be ready; the real question is, when will baby boy be ready?

20 Weeks Pregnant-January 16, 2012       36 weeks Pregnant-May 6, 2012 

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