Thursday, April 5, 2018

9 Years Old

Just typing that title makes me realize that half of the time you'll be living at home with your dad and I has now passed.  It is hard to believe, because it has all gone by so fast.  When I was pregnant with you, everyone told me it would.  I never questioned them, but now I understand.  You've grown so much from the tiny baby, to the independence-seeking toddler, to the strong-willed little girl, and now a compassionate girl.  

You've always had an artistic flair, and it has only continued to grow as you've gotten older.  I've started taking photos of your artwork when I really love it so I can just pull up the electronic copy to look at it instead of digging back through a bunch of old papers.  The way you use color and different shapes to create the images you do always seems to me to be far beyond your years. I can learn so much from the fearless way you play with your art; I was also too much of a perfectionist to really enjoy it.  I hope you never lose that ease with which you create. 

You've started to get excited about some of the more "nerdy" things that your dad in particular is extremely fond of.  You love Star Wars.  You love Legos.  You love space. All of those have clearly been encouraged by your father.  But, you've also found on your own Harry Potter and coding (i.e. computer programming) through other experiences you've had.  I love that you're starting to form your own interests, likes and dislikes.  I still hope you always appreciate my taste in music though!

Despite all of the growth, you still love to be goofy and silly.  I hope you never cease to enjoy the after dinner dance parties we have in our living room or the games of hide-and-seek that become more of a chance to jump out and scare your brothers.  Being silly and laughing at yourself will keep you young as long as you live.
 This year you've also really come into your own at school.  You're doing a great job with your schoolwork (Math continues to be your favorite), and you're being a good citizen to your classmates and school.  You're also starting to read more, which makes me extremely happy.  I love sharing the joy of a good book with you! 

You're still quite the mother-hen to Fletcher, but you and Barrett have the stereotypical love-hate relationship that many siblings do.  Fletcher can be screaming his head off, and you'll run to rescue him from whatever ails him (which at this point is usually being told no).  Barrett falls down and hurts himself, and when he cries, you tell him to stop whining and making so much noise.  At the same time, you and Barrett can be fantastic playmates.  On Easter at my parent's house, the two of you played together for 2 solid hours without fighting once.  I just hope that's some indication of things to come!

I am so thankful for these 9 years that you've been a part of our family.  I know I don't tell you enough how intelligent, caring, and creative you are.  I sometimes focus too much on where you have room to improve, but you're already amazing just the way God made you.  My baby girl.  My big girl.  My beautiful daughter.  Since that day 9 years ago when I first held you in my arms and peered into your little face, I have loved you more than I thought possible.  I promise to never stop loving you, no matter what.  I am praying Psalm 86:11 over you this day and always.   

“Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.”

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