Sunday, April 8, 2018

Opening Day

We were fortunate enough this year to get to go to the Cardinal's opening day.  It is a really cool experience, because it is an unofficial holiday in St. Louis.  The weather wasn't the best, but it was sunny and not raining!

Audrey and Barrett were both more entertained by the game as well as the sights and sounds.  Audrey especially is really starting to understand the game and the players, so it's fun to watch with her and help her understand the little details of what is going on.

Barrett is more entertained by the action, which is usually very subtle in baseball.  So, he wasn't as into the game as his sister.  I did get some good cuddle time with him sitting on my lap though, since the weather was so chilly and he was having a hard time seeing.  I am not going to lie....I really enjoyed that because I know it won't happen for much longer.

Fletcher was extremely entertaining the entire time.  Every time he heard the organ, he's start yelling "Go, go Blues!"  You can tell that he's been to a few hockey games this winter!  He was also making a lot of friends.  He kept doing this thing where he'd scrunch up his eyes and close them while grinning widely.  Every time a stranger said something to him, that's what he did, and they all thought it was the cutest thing they'd ever seen.  I think he was showing off!

We didn't make it through the entire game.  It was actually a really slow game, and once we hit 8 pm, it was past the kids bedtime and getting quite a bit colder.  It was a fun experience nonetheless.  I can't wait to take them again when the weather is a bit warmer!

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