Monday, April 9, 2018

2 Years Old

You are two!  How is it possible that you're already two?  You're growing up so fast, but we're having a ton of fun along the way!  You are generally a really happy boy.   When you are happy, you like to be loud.  You squeal and yell and sing at the top of your lungs just out of pure joy.  While it is wonderful to see you express your joy so freely, I must admit that I often wish you'd learn to express your joy a little more quietly.

You have your moments, like when someone tells you "No," but you're learning how to move past the tears more quickly each time it happens.  It is still funny to watch your face creep into the pout position, and then you sort of erupt with big alligator tears and a loud "Wahhhh."  It is both frustrating and completely adorable at the same time. 

You absolutely adore your siblings...most of the time.  You imitate everything they do and seem to have the most fun when they're playing with you and giving you attention.  You also seem to catch on to things so much more quickly because you watch them.  You refuse to sit in a high chair or booster now because you don't see them doing it.  Without prompting, you started taking your dishes to the counter by the sink after meals because you see them doing it.  You love brushing your teeth and combing your hair before bedtime because you see them do it. You have been playing well with regular sized Legos for over 6 months now because you just play with them the way they do and never try putting them in your mouth.  It is much easier to get you to cooperate when we're going somewhere, because if you see your siblings do it, you just go along with it.  

Maybe it's because you've always been surrounded by so many people that you play really well by yourself.  You love playing with your tools, kitchen toys, or even Audrey's doll house.  I can work quietly in the office while you play in Tripper's dog crate and turn it into a workshop, garage for your cars, or a chef's kitchen by taking your toys in there. 

You are also really into playing with baby dolls.  Andi has done a great job of teaching you to be gentle with Maverick, and because of that you are really great with baby dolls and babies in general. You are always stealing Audrey's Bitty Baby and doll carrier, because you want to play with the dolls.  You sometimes get your baby doll, pull a chair up to the side of the pack n play, and then climb into the pack in play with your doll to put him to bed.  When you were with your cousin Macie this past weekend, you did sometimes take her toy away, but always tried to comfort her by giving her a hug.  She was a little leery at first, but I think she'll be giving you hugs soon enough.

One of your most annoying traits is your tendency to stick your hand in your pants.  You do it most when you're tired.  I think it's a comfort thing.  When you were little and nursing, you'd always put your hand in my armpit or inside my shirt.  So, I think this is just the most secure place you've found to put your hand.  We try to keep you in onesies as much as possible, but it's hard to find 2T onsies!

I almost forgot to mention your love of FOOD!  I have never seen a child that likes eating as much as you do.  When the timer for the oven goes off, you cheer.  Seriously.  You clap your hands and exclaim "yay!"  When we're cooking a meal, you go get your plate and fork out of the cabinet, put them on the table, climb up on the chair, and sit there waiting for the food to be done.  It could be another 20 minutes before it's ready, but you don't care.  You just want to eat.

Your personality is still developing, but my guess is that you'll be pretty laid back with a strong mind of your own.  I adore watching you learn and grow, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead for you.  I pray that you'll always know and grow strong in Christ. Your name comes from the surname for an arrow smith, and Psalm 127:3 is so fitting for you and the joy you've brought to our family.  I thank God every day for you.  I love you Fletchy Fletch.  You'll always be a blessing to me.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth.  Behold, children are a gift of the LORD.  ~Psalm 127:3

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