Saturday, March 26, 2016

Welcome Spring

It's officially spring, and the trees and flowers definitely got the memo this year.  After a very odd snowfall last Sunday that was almost melted before it stopped falling, we've had string of consistently spring-like weather.  Everywhere you look, the grass is starting to grow and taking on its vivid green hue.  The flowering trees are in full bloom and all of the trees are starting to grow tiny leaves. 

At our house, as soon as the perennials start to show signs of life, my husband can't wait to get out in the yard and start making it look like something out of a landscaping magazine.  Granted, this time last year, we were just having landscaping put in both our front and back yards.  So, today, while I sit inside, Billy is outside planting canna bulbs, mulching, and fertilizing the grass. 

Audrey and Barrett want to be outside too, of course.  They watched daddy digging in the dirt, and amassed a collection of worms. The hilarious thing is that as much as they are fascinated with the worms their daddy dug up, neither of them will touch the worms with their bare hands.  Audrey still wanted to keep the worms for her pets, but I convinced her they'd be much happier staying outside and helping our plants grow. 

With the more pleasant weather, it is not only at home that the kids are spending more time outside.  For Barrett in particular, playing outside at school is a highlight of his day.  Now that the weather is warmer, the sandbox is open again for him to play in.  Twice now he has been so coated in sand when I picked him up that I made him change clothes before we even left the school, because I didn't want my car to be full of sand.  Both of those times I also had to wash his tennis shoes, because they were just so full of sand.  I guess it is time to break out his Keen sandals. 

The most amazing change that spring seems to bring every year though is a renewal of spirit.  Despite being 8.5 months pregnant and ridiculously crabby, I can't help but smile as I look out the window at the sunshine.  Spring is such a humbling reminder of the way God is always at work, always creating new growth and always renewing the earth and its people.  Hooray for spring!

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