Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter is Here!

After all of Billy's hard work in the yard yesterday, it made the perfect setting for letting the kids hunt for Easter eggs and snapping some photos.  We were fortunate that my family agreed to come to our house this year, since I am very apprehensive about traveling further from the hospital than my employer's office downtown.  They all came to church with us and then we enjoyed a delicious Easter dinner, featuring pork tenderloin smoked by my husband.  We managed to eat and get an Easter egg hunt in before the rain started too! 

I am so thankful for our church and the messages that are shared, because I definitely needed to refocus myself today.  I have been extremely crabby lately, everything stresses me out, and I am pretty sure my family can't wait for me to have this baby so I will go back to normal.  The message at church this morning got my mind right back where it needed to be (even if that only lasted until Audrey trampled my hydrangeas during the Easter egg hunt in the back yard).  With everything else going on this year, losing focus on the true center of my life has been all to easy. So, it is fitting that today is Easter, because today, seemingly more than ever, I am in desperate need of God's grace: the grace that we can receive because he sacrificed his son on the cross so that he could defeat death for us all.  I have been short-tempered, snippy, and downright rude, but God still welcomes me with open arms.  Praise God! 

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