Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring Break Fun

For the past week, our children have been on spring break.  Last year, we stayed close to home and enjoyed hanging out with friends at local attractions like the zoo.  This year, I had a work trip to Kansas City scheduled, and since I was so close to my due date, Billy and the kids decided to tag along and spend time visiting some of our KC friends and the local attractions there.  They definitely made the rounds and went to the aquarium, Lego Land, Union Station, and the planetarium.

Prior to going to KC, we spent Saturday and Sunday of last weekend at Lake O.  The weather was gorgeous for the most part, so we went on a couple of boat rides on the pontoon, played a lot of games, and basically just relaxed.  The most surprising part of the trip was how low the water was.  Bill and Lana said they'd never seen it that low, and I can believe that.  We saw docks that were resting on dry land and a few docks that were broken in half because of being at a weird angle with part of the dock on land.  We also got a better idea of where the really shallow spots on the lake are, since they were exposed.  Fortunately, our dock was far enough out that it was ok. 

We all came home on Wednesday, so Thursday I spent the day with the kids running errands and getting things back in order at home.  After being gone for 5 days, I think they were worn out and ready to spend some time relaxing at home.  They both played so well and pretty much entertained themselves most of the day Thursday.  Barrett also took a nap that was over 3 hours long, and Audrey slept until 8 am two days in a row (that is unusual in our house, considering they go to bed between 7 and 8).

While I am sad that I was working and wasn't able to see the sights in KC with the family, I am at least glad they got to visit with some good friends and see some new sights.  Next week, it's back to the normal least until Baby #3 decides to make his appearance.     

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