Saturday, December 12, 2015

My Christmas Wish

Christmas is almost here.  We've been preparing for weeks and the stores have had shelves stocked with Christmas goods for two months now.  Our house is now decorated inside and out displaying the splendor of the holiday.  But if I'm honest, I have to admit that I am greeting this season with mixed emotions.  On one hand, I want to share traditions with my children and make the holiday special for them.  But at the same time, I question why it is that we put so much emphasis on the event of the annual Christmas celebration.  Now, before I start losing people right off the bat, let me quickly elaborate.  God made Christmas special by sending his son in human form to live, suffer, and die on earth so that the rest of the human race can live eternally.  So why is it that in the midst of all of the decorating, shopping, and get-togethers I seem to lose sight of the fact that I can't do anything to make Christmas more special than it already is? 

Don't get me wrong...I love the scent of a live Christmas tree as the next person.  I love looking at all of our ornaments as we hang them on the tree and reminiscing about where they came from or who gave them to us.  I love getting to see family members that I haven't seen I months.  And I love that feeling when I give a gift that someone I love really loves. But it is easy for all of that pomp and circumstance to make me tired and stressed, and for those of you that know me well, that is a bad combination. 

This has been on my heart so much lately that I actually told Billy last week that I wanted to skip our normal Christmas next year.  Instead, I proposed we go on a mission trip somewhere to really spread the spirit of Christmas where it will have a true impact and not be lost in the hustle and bustle.  I know that will likely not happen; I mean, who goes on a mission trip with an 8 month old?  Nonetheless, I hope I can stand firm against the pressures to buy more, do more and deck the halls more.  I pray that I will be able to give more of myself to God's purpose beyond what I can adorn with paper and bows.  And I pray that he will stir in me a more generous spirit that will stick around long past December 25. 

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