Saturday, November 21, 2015


As I sit here and type this, it seems very odd that I am just now writing this post.  It has been such a long time coming that I almost forgot I hadn't done it.  What is "it" you may ask.  Well, we have officially announced to the world that our family will be welcoming another little one into the world.  Because we have one boy and one girl, we're calling this one the tiebreaker.  Here is the video we put together to make the big announcement about whether Team Girl or Team Boy would take the victory.

I am officially due on April 14, but we all know how accurate due dates are.  I am just a few days away from being 20 weeks, which is officially halfway through the pregnancy.  Thus, it has become part of my day to day, so it is easy to forget that not everyone knows.  I have known since about a week before my brother's wedding...that's right, I was struggling with nausea as I watched my baby bro get hitched, and no one figured it out! 

This pregnancy has been surprisingly different from the others.  The nausea was present but wasn't as bad.  I have had a lot more indigestion though.  Spicy foods are my favorite.  If I can find an excuse to put jalapeños on something, I do.  I am now past the extreme exhaustion, but I am still trying in bed by 9 pm every night. 

The kids have known since about 8 weeks that we would be welcoming a baby to the family.  We waited until after my first ultrasound to tell them, just to be sure.  We thought about waiting longer, but we knew Audrey would figure out something was up as soon as we told anyone else, and neither Billy nor I could wait any longer to tell people.  I am impressed we made it as long as we did!  Initially, Audrey prayed every night that it would be a girl.  Now that we know it's a boy, she prays that this brother will be nice like her friend Sophie's brothers and not mean like Barrett.  Oh, sibling love.  I know her relationship with this baby will be very different though; I have a feeling we're going to have to watch her closely to make sure she understands that he isn't a doll and this isn't playing house. 

We are so excited about our little tiebreaker and can't wait to welcome the newest Nance to our household!

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