Tuesday, December 22, 2015

First World Problems

When you have small children, you should always expect the unexpected.  So, why is it that when the unexpected occurs, we are still caught off guard? This past weekend, I have to admit I was wholly unprepared for what transpired in our house. Here's the rundown. 

When:  Saturday morning, 3 am
Where:  Nance house
Who:  Barrett
What:  Everything

So, I ask you, what is worse than a sick child at 3 in the morning?  When you go to clean up their mess and discover you have no running water to support the cleanup efforts. That's right.  I put Barrett in the bathtub thinking it would be easier to rinse him off there than try to clean him up otherwise and was surprised to discover the faucet just hissed and nothing came out.  I gained a new appreciation for baby wipes, Clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer through this experience.  Come to find out (after child and bed were cleaned and child was resting again), the water main on our street had burst at about 10 pm the night before.  It was all fixed by noon the following day, but that morning illustrated for me how fortunate we really are to have running water at our command 24/7.  In honor of that, here are the top 5 things I realized I missed/appreciate the most about having running water in my house.

5.  Showering
4.  Running a load of laundry whenever I need to (or at least being able to rinse out clothes before they stain)
3.  Cleaning...well...anything (dishes, counters, kids, etc.)
2.  Being able to get a drink of tap water whenever I need it
1.  Being able to wash my hands

I am sure the day will come when, each time I turn the nob of the faucet, I forget to be thankful for the clear, clean water that pours from the spout.  But, for now, I will gaze upon that glorious liquid with a smile and pray that next time something like this happens, we're out of town. 

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