Monday, June 29, 2015

New England Vacation

This year, Billy and I went on vacation alone and the children stayed with our parents.  It has been a whirlwind, but it was a lot of fun.  We were in Connecticut for my friend Julie's wedding, and then took a few days to tour some other cities on the east coast.  This was the longest the two of us had been away from the children, and by the end of the time, I was ready to see them.  Audrey is at an age now where she doesn't change as much in shorter periods of time, but Barrett still does.  He is talking so much now and making progress with the potty training.  The kids got to spend most of the time at the Lake swimming and playing though, so I don't think they really minded that much.

Despite missing the children, we had a great time.  We were able to reconnect with friends and not feel rushed by bed time or just antsy kiddos.  I needed some time with my sorority sisters, and I am glad to say that I got it.  We also had a lot of great seafood.  I think there was one whole day where I had lobster every meal :) We found out that there are people in this world that think root beer is an acceptable substitute for Dr. Pepper (which, by the way, it is not).  We also realized that it is ok to go to bed early when we're on vacation and don't have the kids with us.  The best part of the trip though was spending time with my hubby.  We haven't had much time lately to just enjoy being together and not worrying about logistics or to do lists.  So, all in all, it was a great trip. 

I have tons of pictures, but I'll just post a few of my favorites here. 

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