Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Some days we just need hug.  Today was one of those days for me.  Fortunately, God has blessed me with wonderful people that surround me and send me hugs when I need them.  It is truly amazing how God works through other people and how his timing is so perfect. 

Today, as I was leaving work feeling completely beat down, inadequate, and tired, I saw an email from my mom with the subject Hug.  At first I thought it was spam, but thankfully it wasn't. I was so touched by the "hug" that my mom sent me today that I wanted to share it here.  Thank you mom!

I read your blog and I have been there.  You once said that you now understood why I stayed at my job for so long.  I was able to find a balance.  A balance that worked for me.  Would it have worked for everyone? No.  Will the balance that you find work for everyone? No.  We are each different and so are our children.  The path God has for us is customized.  No one else gets to travel it the whole way except for me and God.  Others may travel with me for a while, or may travel some parts of it before or after me, but it is my path.  God knows the struggles we must face in order to become who He made us to be.  I would like to tell you not to make the same mistakes that I made, but who am I to decide what would be considered mistakes for you?   I once told Dr. McCracken that I was tired all the time and lacked energy.  He told me I was a working mother and being tired and lacking energy was just part of it.  Not what I expected. 

You have a week of time off coming up.  Go and enjoy your husband and your friends.  Work will go on. If things are a mess, chances are they will still be a mess and maybe even a bigger one when you get back.  Deal with it then.  You won’t miss out on the fun of cleaning it up.  Let it go.  Easy to say.  Hard to do. 

I was never able to control every part of my children’s lives.  I tried to build a good foundation.  I left you guys with your dad, grandparents and relatives and you both grew up and grew into who you are despite all the junk food, tv and other stuff that you were exposed to.  I couldn’t be at every school function, sporting event, or whatever else you guys were into.  I sent you to a far away gymnastics meet with the Blunts.  I felt so bad and then they took a wrong turn and had to back track to bring you home.  Don’t know why that popped into my head.

I just wanted to reach out and give you a hug and let you know that for what it is worth, I think you are doing a fantastic job as a working mother.

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