Sunday, June 7, 2015

3 Years Old

I am a couple of weeks behind on this blog post, but better late than never!

The past three years have flown by.  I mean, I barely remember most of the first year, because Barrett wasn't sleeping through the night.  Still, his first birthday seems like just yesterday.  Then, he was my baby.  Now, he is my child.  He has lost most of his round, baby shape.  Heck, he has more defined calves than I do.  But some things haven't changed, like his infectious smile and his amazing snuggles. Barrett is and has always been the most joyful child, and he has brought us so much pure joy because of it.  There are so many times that seeing his smiling face and feeling his little arms stretch around me lift me out of whatever bad mood I am in. 

Just these past few months, we've seen Barrett really start to make that transition into a full-fledged pre-schooler.  His vocabulary is growing so fast that he often surprises us by words that he knows.  He still has those that he doesn't pronounce so well; my favorite is coup-sase (which means suitcase). His favorite words are hot dog and poopy, which I attribute to his gender and our ongoing struggles to get him to poop in the potty.  I've got to give him credit though, he uses those words in some creative ways.  That, of course, drives his sister crazy, which just encourages him to do it more.

Barrett loves to drive his sister crazy, but it is only because he loves her and looks up to her.  Like any kid brother, he shows it in strange ways, but he wants to do everything his sister does.  In fact, he is starting dance class this week.  There is a preschool one that he can take at the same time as Audrey's, so we signed him up.  I am not sure who is more excited about this either, Barrett or his sister.  He has so much energy, that at least this should help him burn some of it off. 

Speaking of energy, where do little boys get all of their energy from?  Oh, wait, it's all of the food they eat.  I swear that by the time Barrett is 16, he is going to eat us out of house and home.  Barrett will literally just run around the house.  The loop from the kitchen, though the dining room to the living room makes the perfect track.  Sometimes I join him, because I know I need the workout, but he has a lot more endurance than I do. He wants to play hockey too (to no one's surprise), and at first I was a little leery, but now I will sign him up for just about anything that will wear him out.  He has to be 4 to play around here, so I guess we'll just keep playing track in the house for the next year. 

It has been so much fun these past three years to watch Barrett grow, learn, and become his own little person.  I can't wait to see the person he is becoming continue to mature, even if it means he isn't the baby he once was. 

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