Monday, May 25, 2015

Lake Season is Here

It's official.  Lake season is here.  We welcomed summer with one of the most beautiful Memorial Day weekends we have had in some time.  We spent the weekend at the lake in Greenville, because Audrey is not finished with school yet.  

This weekend was a major milestone for Audrey, because she water skied for the first time.  She was very nervous at first, but we talked her through it and practiced wearing the training skis while sitting on the giant water mat.  I am so proud of her for being so brave.  Even after the first time she fell, she got right back up again...twice.  I wonder how many other children learn how to water ski before they learn to ride a bike without training wheels...

Barrett really wanted to ski and kept wanting to practice standing in the skis on the dock.  After Audrey decided she was finished, Barrett jumped up and proclaimed that it was now his turn.  I was extremely nervous, because I don't think he's quite big enough to do it, but as excited as he was I figured we let him try.  He was all about it, until he jumped in the water with his dad.  The water was still pretty chilly this weekend, so he immediately started whining that it was too cold.  So, he got out of the water without skiing.  When we were in the car driving home, he said he doesn't like skiing.  We tried to explain that it was just the cold water that he didn't like, but, honestly, I am fine if he is scared out of skiing for this summer and wants to wait until next year. 
We also had the standup Jet Ski in Greenville this weekend, which is extremely unusual because it lives at Lake of the Ozarks.  The smooth waters gave us good opportunities to get the kids out on the standup (including our friend's little girl Elise who had never even been on a wave runner before). 

Having the stand up in Greenville also meant we could mix two of our favorite pastimes.  Water Skiing and jet skiing.  Only my husband and brother would be silly enough to do this...twice!

Aside from that, we just had fun hanging out and enjoying the beautiful weather.  Even the dogs couldn't get enough of it.  Despite the cold water, it was a pretty perfect boating weekend.  



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