Friday, July 27, 2012

Two Months Old

It is hard to believe that you are two months old already, but here we are.  You are so strong, holding up your head and turning it all around whenever you want. It is amazing how much more alert you are than even a few weeks ago. You love hearing silly noises, which causes you to show us your toothless grin.  I shared this picture on facebook too, because I just love it.  It makes me smile whenever I see it. 

We visited the doctor today, and you are developing well.  You are a whopping 13 pounds 1 ounce, and at 24 inches long you are in the 95th percentile for height.  I think you are going to be tall like your daddy and your sister.  I have a feeling that by the time you are 16, I am going to be the shortest person living in our house.   

You love watching your sister dance, and you love laying on your daddy's belly.  Overall though, you are really momma's baby boy.  I know exactly what you need when you're fussy, and I know just how to make you coo and smile.  I am even getting a knack for getting you to go to sleep.  I am sure that will change when I go back to work in a couple more weeks, so I am going to enjoy it for now. 

For such a young man, you are already well traveled.  You've been to Lake of the Ozarks three times and Greenville twice.  You've also visited some St. Louis landmarks like the zoo, Ted Drewe's, and the Federal Reserve Bank.  Fortunately for us, you travel well and always fall asleep when you're in the car longer than 10 minutes. 

This weekend we celebrated your daddy's 30th birthday.  Your Nana kept saying that she couldn't believe her son was this old.  I am sure I'll be saying the same thing 30 years from now, so don't grow up too fast.  Enjoy being a kid, even when you are 30.  I know I am enjoying being your mom, and I thank God every day for blessing our family with you. 

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