Thursday, July 12, 2012

On the Road Again

Barrett is going to be a well traveled tike before he is even able to crawl.  In the past two weeks, we have spent very little time at home.  We spent a weekend at the lake in Greenville where Barrett took his first boat ride.  Then a weekend at "home" consisted of a family reunion and baby shower, and then we were off to Lake of the Ozarks again for 6 days of fun to celebrate the 4th of July.  Before we even got home from that trip, Billy had to hop on a plane bound for Israel for a week-long work trip.  So, now the children and I are in Greenville for a few days, since I've never had to care for two children by myself for an extended period of time. 

With all of this going on, God is constantly revealing himself to me, which lends an overall feeling of peace and stillness to the constant craziness.  When I was feeling overwhelmed, two of my friends came over to help me one evening.  When I was getting short tempered because of a lack of sleep, Barrett slept well two nights in a row, allowing me to get back to back nights with 8 hours of sleep (no, they were not consecutive, but one or two feedings at night is great for Barrett).  When I was exasperated with Audrey, I came up with an effective punishment that, combined with some heartfelt conversation, seems to be working well.   It is amazing how God's presence is so apparent when you turn to him.  Even though I feel like my prayers are small and insignificant, God is hearing them and revealing himself in the way they are being answered. 

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