Sunday, June 14, 2009


That's right...tongues.  The past couple of days, we have noticed that Audrey is learning to play copy-cat.  She tries to imitate actions that Billy and I do.  Yesterday, I would throw my arms up, and then bring my hands back in front of me to clasp my hands together.  When I threw my arms up, Audrey would do the same.  She struggled a bit with bringing her hands back together, but made the attempt nonetheless. 

Since we brought her home, she has always been fascinated by tongues.  When we stick our tongues out at her, she stares as if she is mesmerized.  Tonight, she put her interest in tongues and her new found skills at copy-cat together, and she learned to stick out her tongue.  She did it halfway a couple of times on the couch.  Then, when her dad took her in to give her a bath, he decided to look in the mirror with her.  He stuck out her tongue, and she did the same.  She stuck it out as far as she could in a clearly intentional act.  I don't know if all parents get this excited when their baby sticks out his or her tongue for the first time.  We don't care though; it is just as exciting as her first smile.  I know that in a couple of years I won't think it is as cute, but I am going to enjoy it while it still is! 

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