Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Adventures Continue

Audrey’s adventures continue.  She is going to be one well traveled little girl before she is a year old!  Last week, she went out to dinner with her Phi Mu aunties and even made her first trip to Ted Drewes.   The next night, she went to Hacienda with the KA bunch, and on Saturday ventured out to St. Charles for a BBQ.  She is constantly on the go, and her parents are learning that even with all of the outings, it is very important to keep her eating/sleeping schedule intact.  The schedule got off a bit last week, and she started waking up in the middle of the night again.  I know we shouldn’t complain, since many parents don’t get to sleep through the night for the first year, but we’ve gotten used to it! 
Audrey is continuing to develop very well.  Her next doctor visit is tomorrow, so we’ll find out the expert analysis then.  I can’t wait to find out exactly how much she has grown.  From what we have read though, Audrey is doing great.  She holds her head up on her own pretty well, even if it is still a bit wobbly.  She is starting to try to control movements with her hands.  When we put a rattle in her hand last week, she actually pulled it up to her mouth so she could suck on the rattle.  She coos all of the time.  Last night, her dad kept repeating “hello” to her, and after a bit, she began cooing “ehhh – oooooo.”  It’s not quite “hello,” but to parents of a 2 month old baby, it is very exciting. 
The next big milestone we reach actually has more to do with me than Audrey.  I start work again on Monday, June 8.  Kim, one of my Phi Mu sisters, will be staying with Audrey at our house during the summer.  That does put my mind at ease, since she’ll be right next door to work, and I’ll be able to run home if I need to.  I know that Kim will have a lot of fun with her, too!

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