Sunday, June 14, 2009

And Mommy Goes Back to Work

That's right, I started back at work this week.  To be honest, it was not as difficult as I thought it would be.  I think that was due to a combination of two things.  The first is that our friend Kim is watching Audrey for us at our house for the rest of the summer.  Since I know and trust her, it is much easier to leave Audrey and go to work.  I also think I was getting a little stir crazy being at home 24/7, so getting out of the house is a nice change of scenery.  I actually think I am going to have a harder time going back to work tomorrow after a nice weekend then I did last Monday. 

Audrey has reached a couple more milestones this past week. 
1.  She stayed overnight at Grandma Lana and Grandpa Bill's for the first time without her mom and dad.  We were at Jennifer Speidel's...Baker's wedding in Memphis. 
2.  Audrey stayed at home while mom went to work this week. 
3.  I believe Audrey has begun teething.  She is drooling a lot, is constantly putting her hands in her mouth, and is growing increasingly fussy for no apparent reason.
4.  Audrey stayed in the nursery during church today.  I felt so weird walking up to the sanctuary with not diaper bag or baby in my hands. 

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