Sunday, March 10, 2019

I Love You a Latte

Since I started my career, I've started my mornings with a cup of hot tea.  I always tried to stick with decaf or naturally caffeine free tea.  Then, I started consulting.  The first 9 months, I kept up with the tea routine, getting it ready before I left the house and taking it with me.  The problem was, I wasn't always going to the same place and if I forgot, well, let's just say that hanger can apply to a lack of hydration too.

Slowly, I started drinking the fancy coffee drinks. Mochas, then lattes, and then, over the past few months, a cup of coffee with just a touch of creamer and sugar (not even a whole packet).  At home, I started buying coffee for the Kuerig instead of just Chai lattes or tea.  At the office, I realized that I am now starting my mornings with a cup of coffee instead of tea.  And, the irony is that I can't mark a specific point where it happened. It just evolved into this, and now I am hooked.  I need the caffeine or I am REALLY not pleasant to be around (worse than hanger).  I still drink tea...usually after one cup of coffee.  And then I'll drink tea up until lunch and then usually in the afternoon too. I've started to gauge my level of fatigue by whether I crave an afternoon cup of coffee to keep me going.

And, if that isn't bad enough, Billy now is making an INTENTIONAL EFFORT to drink coffee. His vice is soda...Dr. Pepper to be more specific. So, he decided to try to get into the coffee routine instead. We've found some k-cup coffee that he likes when he dresses it up a bit and turns it into a latte.

I tell you this whole thing not because it is all that important, but more because it has raised some questions in my mind.  The two main ones are: When did we get this old? And, what is wrong with us?

I never thought in a million years I would ever see my husband try to drink coffee.  Nor did I expect to add coffee to my hot beverage consumption.  I am extremely curious to see how this continues to evolve as we get into summer when a warm cup of liquid may not be as appetizing.  I'll try to remember to report back in a few months on the status of coffee consumption in the Nance household.

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