Sunday, March 31, 2019

10 Years Old

Ten years ago today, I first laid eyes on my magnificent baby girl. I had no idea then what the journey would be like, and while it's been a wild ride, it's been one of the greatest gifts I've ever known. I knew you'd grow up, and I knew I'd lover you no matter what.  But that hasn't made watching you grow into your own unique, creative, strong-willed, and compassionate self.  

Sometimes, I get a little worried because you remind me too much of myself.  Like the times when I get texts from the nanny asking if you can organize your room while she and your brothers go to the park. In all seriousness though, I love that you like to organize things, and someday I look forward to bonding over your need for organization when you move into your first apartment, buy a house, and so on. Other times, I see so much of your dad there.  Particularly when I find pictures like this one buried in the pictures on my phone.  

Or this one.

In addition to being such a loveable goofball, you're starting to embrace your inner nerdiness.  You've really gained a keen interest in space and astronauts over this past year, as well as an interest in Marvel movies...particularly Captain Marvel.  For the first time, you're setting your sights on being an engineer when you grow up (even over an art teacher and dancer).  You're also starting to enjoy reading more, including reading your Bible every night. I am so proud to see you embrace the things you enjoy, even if it isn't the same things all the other girls at school are interested in. 

You continue to be a crafter. Your willingness to try crafts, make messes, and just enjoy the process always amazes me, because it is something I have never been good at (which is why I think I am so bad at crafting in general). You also share your love of crafting in various ways.  You help your brothers with their crafts that they want to do. You make crafts for people when they need cheered up (like the crown you made me when I was sick). It is so wonderful that you're discovering this early in life how you can use the gifts God has given you to lift up and encourage the people around you. 

You've also gotten a lot more adventurous with food this year.  It's been a lot of fun to see you try, and often enjoy, things that a year ago we couldn't even get you to try without a lot of whining and sometimes even tears. Shrimp. stir fry, curry chicken dishes, and more are now among your favorite meals that you actually request. You've also start cooking a lot more.  You can bake banana nut muffins practically on your own, and you can prepare simple meals with minimal assistance. I sometimes have to remind myself that the messes aren't a big deal as long as you're trying and learning along the way, so please continue to give your momma grace with that. 

This past year you've really started to look more like a young lady than a child. I often try to find a teenager in crowds just to prove to myself that you're still a kid and that you aren't growing up too fast. You're just getting so tall! You're pants turn into capris after just one season nowdays. At the father daughter dance, you actually wore a pair of my tights because none of yours fit anymore. And that doesn't even account for the milestone you crossed by starting to wear women's size shoes.

I still can't admit to myself that you've entered double digits, but maybe by the time your next birthday comes around, I'll come to terms with that. I love you so much, and I am so excited to see how you continue to grow and learn.  I thank God for making me your mom 10 years ago, and for all of the days in the future that I'll continue being your mom...forever.  


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