Monday, May 21, 2018

6 Years Old

Barrett William...B-dub...50 cal...Bubby...You're 6 years old now.  You've completed kindergarten.  You've played a whole year of mini-mite hockey.  You learned to ride your bike without training wheels.  You started playing the piano and have caught on much more quickly than I expected.

One thing we've learned during this school year is that you love to learn.  You beg us to write down math problems for you to do.  You want us to "give you homework."  You are reminding us every night that you need to read to us before bed.  You even love learning to play the piano.  Now, that's not to say you don't get frustrated at times, but you have a desire to learn and try new things that is refreshing and so fun to watch.

I've never been one to really follow Zodiacs.  So, when someone warned me that because you're a Gemini you'd have split personalities, I just shrugged it off.  However, this year it's really come to light that Barrett often seems caught between two sides of himself.  On one hand, he is kind and sensitive.  He has always been and still is the snuggliest of all my children.  He takes care of people in need without having to be asked.  He just does it because he knows they need help.

On the other hand, he is wild and rambunctious.  He wants to be in the middle of the action and gets super competitive.  It's sometimes hard to know which side will come out in any given moment.  His hockey games are a great example.  Some days, he's skating hard, pushing around the other players, and doing everything he can to get the puck to the net.  Other days, he seems like he's in a fog, doesn't care what's going on with the game, and just tries to fall as much as he can so he has an excuse to lay on the ice.

Barrett has also found a unique bond with Tripper.  The two of them can run and chase each other for hours.  It is so nice that they can wear each other out!

You're still rocking your glasses, and you're still surprisingly responsible with them.  You picked out new ones recently, and I am pretty sure you chose the ones you did because they looked most similar to the advertisement they had up on the wall for grown men's glasses.  That doesn't surprise me because you want to be just like your dad.  If you don't want to do something, all I have to do is mention how your dad does it or did it when he was little, and you're all in.  You even like to wear dress shoes and belts to church now, because that's what you're dad does.

You also look up to your sister a lot.  The two of you have reached an age where there is a good amount of sibling rivalry and jealousy going on.  Nonetheless, there are days when you and Audrey can play together for hours uninterrupted. And, when one of you is away, the other one is constantly asking when they'll be back.  At other times, however, the two of you can't seem to be in the room together without fighting.  With Fletcher, you're a great older brother.  You do get a little rough with him sometimes, but you're also very compassionate when he's actually hurt and not just throwing a fit because you told him no.  

I am really enjoying being part of your journey toward adulthood.  You never cease to amaze me, which is probably why I am learning so much from you. You'll always be my little snuggle monster and my big-hearted boy.  I love you more than mere words can express. 

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