Sunday, April 22, 2018

Friends are Good for the Soul

Life sometimes gets away from me.  I get so caught up in all of my to dos that I don't slow down enough to enjoy the ride.  As I've gotten older, I have come to treasure my friendships more and more.  That's not to say I didn't care about my friends previously.  It's just that I now have more experience with the heartbreak, loss, and defeat that life can bring and a greater appreciation for how my friends have helped me through those times.  I have firsthand experience with those unexpected curve-balls that life too often throws.  And, in all of those moments, it was the people around me that brought me through.  It was the phone calls where I mostly sobbed and they just listened.  It is the encouraging scripture-filled texts.  It is the hand-made thought-felt cards I received in the mail. 

This weekend I got to spend almost 3 full days with a group of amazing women with whom I have that kind of friendship.  We converged in Chicago from all over the country.  There were 10 of us in total. A few from our group couldn't make it, but they were there in spirit. I have loved and appreciated them since we all met nearly 17 years ago, but for some reason, the longer I know them, the more I am struck by just how amazing they are.  The are each unique and beautiful in their own way.  We are all are so different, yet we come together time and again, and each time we grow closer both as individuals and as a group.  

The time we have together never seems long enough.  I always wish I had more time to visit with them and hear about all of the joys and struggles in their life.  I want to be there more to encourage and support them each day.  Yet, I know that I will return home to my husband and children.  I will go to work, run my children to all of their activities, and make sure my family is fed and cared for.  I will get caught up in all of the running, working, and other to-doing.  I will probably not call those wonderful women as often as I should.  But I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.  And, when they need me, I will be there.  And when I need them, they'll be there.  It won't be every day, every week, or even every month.  But that doesn't matter.  What matters is the bond we have and the love we share. 

*Top picture is this weekend, and bottom picture is our trip to NYC during fall of 2009. 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Big Boy Bed

Today marks yet another milestone in Fletcher's young life.  We converted the crib into a toddler bed.  Tonight, for the first time, he is sleeping in a big boy bed that he can get in and out of as he pleases.  (Queue wailing and gnashing of teeth because I can't even pretend we still have a baby in the house). Fletcher was very distraught at first when he saw his dad take the side off of his crib.  But, once his siblings showed him that he could climb in it himself, he was all about it.

My three children sat in Fletcher's bed together and read books before bedtime to help him feel more comfortable in his converted bed.  He loves sitting in Barrett's bed reading, so this seemed like a natural way to help the transition. I also love seeing the three of them read together.  Not only are they all getting along for 10-15 minutes straight, but they are also doing something that is good for them.  It is seriously one of my favorite things to watch.

We are now almost 1 hour past the first bedtime in the Big Boy Bed, and Fletcher is fast asleep in his bed and didn't get out of bed once after I tucked him in.  I can only hope that this continues to be the case.  I was almost afraid to write this post because I don't want to jinx it.  I'll report back in a couple of weeks to let you know if the first night was the exception or the rule.

Monday, April 9, 2018

2 Years Old

You are two!  How is it possible that you're already two?  You're growing up so fast, but we're having a ton of fun along the way!  You are generally a really happy boy.   When you are happy, you like to be loud.  You squeal and yell and sing at the top of your lungs just out of pure joy.  While it is wonderful to see you express your joy so freely, I must admit that I often wish you'd learn to express your joy a little more quietly.

You have your moments, like when someone tells you "No," but you're learning how to move past the tears more quickly each time it happens.  It is still funny to watch your face creep into the pout position, and then you sort of erupt with big alligator tears and a loud "Wahhhh."  It is both frustrating and completely adorable at the same time. 

You absolutely adore your siblings...most of the time.  You imitate everything they do and seem to have the most fun when they're playing with you and giving you attention.  You also seem to catch on to things so much more quickly because you watch them.  You refuse to sit in a high chair or booster now because you don't see them doing it.  Without prompting, you started taking your dishes to the counter by the sink after meals because you see them doing it.  You love brushing your teeth and combing your hair before bedtime because you see them do it. You have been playing well with regular sized Legos for over 6 months now because you just play with them the way they do and never try putting them in your mouth.  It is much easier to get you to cooperate when we're going somewhere, because if you see your siblings do it, you just go along with it.  

Maybe it's because you've always been surrounded by so many people that you play really well by yourself.  You love playing with your tools, kitchen toys, or even Audrey's doll house.  I can work quietly in the office while you play in Tripper's dog crate and turn it into a workshop, garage for your cars, or a chef's kitchen by taking your toys in there. 

You are also really into playing with baby dolls.  Andi has done a great job of teaching you to be gentle with Maverick, and because of that you are really great with baby dolls and babies in general. You are always stealing Audrey's Bitty Baby and doll carrier, because you want to play with the dolls.  You sometimes get your baby doll, pull a chair up to the side of the pack n play, and then climb into the pack in play with your doll to put him to bed.  When you were with your cousin Macie this past weekend, you did sometimes take her toy away, but always tried to comfort her by giving her a hug.  She was a little leery at first, but I think she'll be giving you hugs soon enough.

One of your most annoying traits is your tendency to stick your hand in your pants.  You do it most when you're tired.  I think it's a comfort thing.  When you were little and nursing, you'd always put your hand in my armpit or inside my shirt.  So, I think this is just the most secure place you've found to put your hand.  We try to keep you in onesies as much as possible, but it's hard to find 2T onsies!

I almost forgot to mention your love of FOOD!  I have never seen a child that likes eating as much as you do.  When the timer for the oven goes off, you cheer.  Seriously.  You clap your hands and exclaim "yay!"  When we're cooking a meal, you go get your plate and fork out of the cabinet, put them on the table, climb up on the chair, and sit there waiting for the food to be done.  It could be another 20 minutes before it's ready, but you don't care.  You just want to eat.

Your personality is still developing, but my guess is that you'll be pretty laid back with a strong mind of your own.  I adore watching you learn and grow, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead for you.  I pray that you'll always know and grow strong in Christ. Your name comes from the surname for an arrow smith, and Psalm 127:3 is so fitting for you and the joy you've brought to our family.  I thank God every day for you.  I love you Fletchy Fletch.  You'll always be a blessing to me.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth.  Behold, children are a gift of the LORD.  ~Psalm 127:3

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Opening Day

We were fortunate enough this year to get to go to the Cardinal's opening day.  It is a really cool experience, because it is an unofficial holiday in St. Louis.  The weather wasn't the best, but it was sunny and not raining!

Audrey and Barrett were both more entertained by the game as well as the sights and sounds.  Audrey especially is really starting to understand the game and the players, so it's fun to watch with her and help her understand the little details of what is going on.

Barrett is more entertained by the action, which is usually very subtle in baseball.  So, he wasn't as into the game as his sister.  I did get some good cuddle time with him sitting on my lap though, since the weather was so chilly and he was having a hard time seeing.  I am not going to lie....I really enjoyed that because I know it won't happen for much longer.

Fletcher was extremely entertaining the entire time.  Every time he heard the organ, he's start yelling "Go, go Blues!"  You can tell that he's been to a few hockey games this winter!  He was also making a lot of friends.  He kept doing this thing where he'd scrunch up his eyes and close them while grinning widely.  Every time a stranger said something to him, that's what he did, and they all thought it was the cutest thing they'd ever seen.  I think he was showing off!

We didn't make it through the entire game.  It was actually a really slow game, and once we hit 8 pm, it was past the kids bedtime and getting quite a bit colder.  It was a fun experience nonetheless.  I can't wait to take them again when the weather is a bit warmer!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

9 Years Old

Just typing that title makes me realize that half of the time you'll be living at home with your dad and I has now passed.  It is hard to believe, because it has all gone by so fast.  When I was pregnant with you, everyone told me it would.  I never questioned them, but now I understand.  You've grown so much from the tiny baby, to the independence-seeking toddler, to the strong-willed little girl, and now a compassionate girl.  

You've always had an artistic flair, and it has only continued to grow as you've gotten older.  I've started taking photos of your artwork when I really love it so I can just pull up the electronic copy to look at it instead of digging back through a bunch of old papers.  The way you use color and different shapes to create the images you do always seems to me to be far beyond your years. I can learn so much from the fearless way you play with your art; I was also too much of a perfectionist to really enjoy it.  I hope you never lose that ease with which you create. 

You've started to get excited about some of the more "nerdy" things that your dad in particular is extremely fond of.  You love Star Wars.  You love Legos.  You love space. All of those have clearly been encouraged by your father.  But, you've also found on your own Harry Potter and coding (i.e. computer programming) through other experiences you've had.  I love that you're starting to form your own interests, likes and dislikes.  I still hope you always appreciate my taste in music though!

Despite all of the growth, you still love to be goofy and silly.  I hope you never cease to enjoy the after dinner dance parties we have in our living room or the games of hide-and-seek that become more of a chance to jump out and scare your brothers.  Being silly and laughing at yourself will keep you young as long as you live.
 This year you've also really come into your own at school.  You're doing a great job with your schoolwork (Math continues to be your favorite), and you're being a good citizen to your classmates and school.  You're also starting to read more, which makes me extremely happy.  I love sharing the joy of a good book with you! 

You're still quite the mother-hen to Fletcher, but you and Barrett have the stereotypical love-hate relationship that many siblings do.  Fletcher can be screaming his head off, and you'll run to rescue him from whatever ails him (which at this point is usually being told no).  Barrett falls down and hurts himself, and when he cries, you tell him to stop whining and making so much noise.  At the same time, you and Barrett can be fantastic playmates.  On Easter at my parent's house, the two of you played together for 2 solid hours without fighting once.  I just hope that's some indication of things to come!

I am so thankful for these 9 years that you've been a part of our family.  I know I don't tell you enough how intelligent, caring, and creative you are.  I sometimes focus too much on where you have room to improve, but you're already amazing just the way God made you.  My baby girl.  My big girl.  My beautiful daughter.  Since that day 9 years ago when I first held you in my arms and peered into your little face, I have loved you more than I thought possible.  I promise to never stop loving you, no matter what.  I am praying Psalm 86:11 over you this day and always.   

“Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.”