Friday, December 1, 2017

Hockey Mom

This fall, Barrett started playing hockey in the mini-mites league in Kirkwood.  It has been a huge adjustment for our family, as both Saturday and Sunday mornings now involve hockey.  That means Billy and I having to do a lot of dividing and conquering to make sure Barrett is at practices and games on time.  I'll be honest though, Billy does the vast majority of the hockey running.  I am still not that proficient with putting on all of those pads, so it's just easier for everyone if dad helps Barrett out in that regard. I might be a hockey mom, but the hockey dad is still top dog when it comes to all of the equipment.

As the season has gone on, Barrett has really started to come into his own.  It's been fun to watch him improve week to week.  At the beginning of the season, he fell a lot.  Now he does fall accidentally sometimes, but I have noticed that he tends to fall more when he is hot and tired and wants to lay on the ice.

Last week, he was lucky enough to play a quick game during the first intermission at the Blues game.  It was so fun to see him play in the big arena, although those kids look so tiny on the ice compared to the NHL players.  Barrett had one breakaway during that game, but unfortunately, his skate got caught on some rough ice and he took a hard fall. That didn't dampen his spirits though.  Honestly, I think that is what is so fun about watching him play.  He just enjoys it so much.  Every time he comes out of the locker room he is grinning ear to ear and bragging about how sweaty he is.  And each time, I ask him if he tried his best and had fun.  As long as the answer to both of those questions is a yes, then I know the game was a success!

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