Sunday, December 10, 2017

Drama Queen

Audrey has been dancing since she was 4, but now she's also taking an interest in singing and acting.  The past couple of weeks she's had the opportunity to show off her skills on a couple of different stages.

First, she had her fall dance recital. She performed 4 dances there, and did a great job in each.  She loved the jazz number they did the best, but I enjoyed watching the ballet the most.  When she wants to, she has great poise and carries herself very well.  It is really fun to see how she is developing as a dancer.  Her moves are more precise and she is able to stay on rhythm with much less effort.

After the show on the drive home, she mentioned that she thought one of her friends was such a good dancer, which also showed me how much she has grown.  She is not only doing better at her own dancing, but she is really starting to appreciate the beauty in other people's dancing as well.  

Today, she had both a piano recital and a church concert.  Fortunately, she was able to wear the same outfit to both, which made logistics a lot easier to manage. At the piano recital, she did a fantastic job playing her piece "We Three Kings" by memory with no mistakes.  I am so proud of how hard she practiced.  She put so much time and effort into making her performance great.  It was wonderful to see the fruits of her labor come to fruition.  

Afterwards at the church concert, she sang in the choir and had a speaking part. She has rehearsed at church and at home for many weeks now.  She had arm motions and everything to go with both the speaking and singing.  It was a lot of fun to watch.

It makes me so proud to see how much time, effort, and patience she has put into practicing for each of these activities.  Speaking and performing in front of crowds is something that puts fear in the hearts of many adults.  And here, my 8 year old daughter is embracing that fear and going for it.  She is also not afraid to try now; for the longest time, she hated trying or doing anything that didn't come easily to her.  Now, three times in just one week she got to show to us and herself just what you can achieve with a little bit of hard work. 

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