Thursday, May 18, 2017


I've been pretty nostalgic these past couple of weeks for a variety of reasons.  It's lead me to think a lot about this journey we call life.  It's funny how, when I am trying to recall when something occurred, I rarely recall first the number for the year in which it occured. Usually, I first remember something that happened either before, after, or around the same time.  Then, I figure out the date in relation to those important dates...those milestones.  For instance, 2012 is the year of Barrett.  If something happened in 2011, it was before Barrett.  2013 happenings are after Barrett.  And 2014 is when I finally started sleeping well again and regained my sanity!

These past few weeks, there are so many milestones converging at the same time that I am curious which one(s) will stand out as THE milestone that I track all the others against.  Will it be the fact that Fletcher turned 1?  What about Audrey turning 8?  Maybe it will be the fact that I stopped nursing Fletcher this week.  Or, it could be the fact that Fletcher started sleeping through the night 2 weeks ago.    Could the fact that Barrett is graduating from preschool next week stand out above the rest?  What about the fact that I am switching jobs after 11 years at the same company?  It could also be the upcoming birth of my neice.  I am sure I could continue to list things off...but I am tired and need to get some sleep.

My point is that there is a lot going on in our lives right now, and the vast majority of it is good...very good.  God has blessed me in so many ways, and I am so excited for what is to come.  But I am also thankful for the path I've taken to get here.  I am grateful for all of the milestones that have already come, for all of the people that have walked the path with me, and even the obstacles I've had to overcome.  I pray that God will continue to light my path every step of the way. 

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