Sunday, May 21, 2017

Five Years Old

My little Bear Bear, you aren't so little anymore.  I blinked and suddenly you'd rather play hockey and Legos than snuggle up with your momma.  I relish those moments when a movie gets a little scary or you're tired and you just want to curl up next to me and lay your head in my lap.  Each year, they become fewer and further between, so I have to enjoy them while I can.

You love everything your daddy loves.  I can tell you really look up to him and want to be like him. I guess that is why you are so into Batman, hockey and Legos.  When we have a free day at home, you always want to either go out in the garage to play hockey, dress up like Batman or go in the basement to play Legos. 

You also share your daddy's love of the Lake, boats, standups, etc.  You pass your swim lesson levels the first try, which your sister has never been able to do.  You love driving the boats and waverunners.  And, you are on the verge of being able to start manuevering the standups by yourself.  This weekend when your daddy put his in the water for the first time, you had to go to the ramp with him and help make sure it went in the water ok.  You also had to try out the new Octane with him as well.

You constantly talk about how you're going to be "a worker" when you grow up.  What you mean by that is a construction worker or civil engineer.  You tell us you are going to design and build stores, houses, boats and cars.  Any time you see  road construction or even building construction, you want to get a closer look and are always evaluating what they're doing.  Many times, I don't even notice the construction, but you point it out and start to talk about how you're going to do something simliar when you're an adult. 

You also talk about getting married so you can become a dad.  You haven't figured out yet that the marriage itself doesn't make you a dad though.  You specifically say that you're going to marry Presley, the girl that lives 2 houses down and goes to your preschool.  Then, when you get married, you surmize that I won't be your mommy anymore because Presley will be  your mom.  I laugh as I try to explain that I'll always be your mom and, in that case, Presley would be your wife, but I don't think you totally believe me yet.

You have such a kind heart that it often amazes me.  Don't get me wrong, you can be as loud and rough as any 5 year old boy.  But at the same time, you can also be so effortlessly compassionate to everyone around you.  When no one is watching, you are so good with Fletcher; I occasionally catch you teaching him how to hold a hockey stick and how to "read" books.  Your teachers at school have even commented on how you jump to help even when you're not asked.  I think you really do have a gift for seeing people that need help and a heart that wants to do whatever you can to help them.  Just tonight while I was making dinner, you were insisting that you were going to help me by cleaning the house. Now, you also wanted me to tell you right that moment what all you needed to clean, but your intent was pure :)

You're also a worrier.  If we have less than half a gallon of milk in the fridge, you make sure I am aware. As soon as the car beeps to let me know that we are low on gas, you start asking constantly when we're going to get gas.  At the zoo, you fret any time we have to set the wagon aside to see an exhibit.  One of your chores is feeding the dogs, and you also give Jack a vitamin each morning.  You're fantastic at it, because you're so worried that Jack will get sick if he doesn't get his vitamin. 

I love  you more than words can express.  I had no idea 5 years ago how you would change my world and change me. You are an amazing little boy who is growing into a wonderful young man.  I can't wait to see what your future holds.  I am so thankful that God brought you into my life and blesses me with your presence every day. 

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