Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Learning Day by Day

Each day, Fletcher is becoming more alert and starting to interact more with the world around him. I can now lay him on the play mat for several minutes while he looks at, and occasionally tries to control his arms enough to touch, the toys hanging above him. I am pretty sure that he is starting to recognize, at least by voice, all of the members of our family.  He also gets really still and stares intently when the dogs come near him (even when Jack is licking his face), which I interpret as a keen fascination with the dogs.  All of this emerging development has made me want to capture pictures of it all.  So, here are some of my favorites.

Believe it or not, so far, Fletcher seems to like tummy time.  I think he likes the challenge of trying to hold up his head and look from side to side. We use the boppy pillow to try to prop him up so he isn't just eating the floor during tummy time.  Jack wanted to show us that the boppy is also useful for dogs too. 


We are trying to get Fletcher to interact more with toys.  He will turn his head to look at the rattle when we shake it.  We are also trying to get him to reach out to try to touch the toys.  This is the lion blankie that Barrett picked out for Fletcher.  Although, I caught Barrett trying to take it to his bed the other night.

We've also had a lot of fun finding various ways to make Fletcher smile.  Here are some of the variations of his grin that I've captured on the camera.  I had to include them all, because I can't decide which one I think is cuter. 

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