Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day

Before I had my own children, I always tried to honor my mother on Mother's Day, but I didn't really understand the real significance of the holiday.  Now, Mother's Day has a whole new meaning. I now look upon those that make me a mother with a love I never could have imagined children.  Having a newborn just brings that to mind even more.  I love my children and feel so blessed to be their mother...well, most of the time. So, here's to my amazing children.

Audrey: The oldest and the only girl. My little mother hen.

Barrett:  My oldest son and the best snuggler.
Fletcher:  My little baby boy.

Yesterday I enjoyed being spoiled on Mother's Day by my children and husband.  They took me out to breakfast, let me go to the mall for a little bit, and let me take a long afternoon nap.  The kids couldn't understand why the nap was exciting for me though.  The kids also got me gifts that they made at school.  They both decorated flower pots and chose some beautiful petunias for me. I am so blessed to have such caring children and a husband who loves to spoil me when I let him.

Audrey also made me a wonderful card.  It is green because green is my favorite color.  My favorite part is the main message where it states that "I will love you until you die."  Oh, the honesty of children.  It is wonderful to be so loved!

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