Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Celebrating Barrett

Since Barrett's birthday is Memorial Day weekend,  we usually celebrate it at a lake.   This year that lake was the Ozarks.   We drove to the lake Thursday night so we could wake up and start the day at the lake.  Barrett got chocolate chip pancakes made by Nana for breakfast.   We had to run to town, so Barrett got to choose where we ate lunch.  He chose Captain Ron's.   
After his nap, Barrett got to swim and play in the water for a while before his birthday dinner.  He chose a menu of hot dogs, chicken bites, mac 'n' cheese, and broccoli.   If that doesn't sound like a menu selected by a four-year old, I don't know what does.  After dinner he opened gifts and then got his birthday brownies (since he likes those better than cake...a kid after my own heart). 

Barrett got many fun presents including some trucks, a play boat on a trailer, a remote control boat, and hockey pads.  Even though he doesn't need the pads at the lake, we still hauled them down and back so he could open them on his birthday.  It was pretty funny to see him decked out in full hockey pads when the rest of us were in swimsuits.  
All in all, I think Barrett had a pretty fun day.  I still can't believe he is already 4!

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