Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Turning 2

Barrett is entering the terrible twos, and I must say, we are off to a rough start.  For the second time in as many weeks, Billy departed for a week-long trip to New York.  Two weeks ago when he left, I got a call at 9 am from daycare informing me that they thought Barrett had pinkeye, and I needed to come pick him up.  At the doctor, we found out he had an accompanying ear infection.

Billy found out about his trip this week at the end of last week.  Since it was Barrett's birthday, we decided to get moving early and eat out for breakfast as a family.  After that, I dropped the kids off at school.  We made it until 9:30 before I got the call from daycare today. Yesterday, we noticed he had some bumps around his mouth, but thought it was from all of the sunscreen or some of the food he ate this weekend at the Lake that he doesn't normally have.  However, daycare noticed bumps on his hands too.  You've got it, hand foot and mouth disease. Really it's a contagious virus, and it goes away on its own; so I am not sure why it's called a disease. Nonetheless, that's what he's got. Poor kid! He didn't even get to eat the cupcakes we took to school. 

So, after spending the day at home with momma, we went to get some ice cream after dinner.  We drove through and brought it home to eat so as not to spread the nasty germs.  Despite not feeling well, Barrett enjoyed his treat. It's amazing how quickly he can get ice cream all over his face.  Happy 2nd Birthday Bubby!

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