Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Growing up, I always loved my mom and my grandmas, my aunts, and all of the other strong women in my life.  I "knew" that motherhood wasn't easy.  I respected the choice that mothers made to put the needs and welfare of their children before their own.  However, until I became a mother, I didn't really understand.  I love my children dearly and wouldn't give them up for anything.  The way they smile at me and call me mama makes my heart melt.  But, that doesn't erase the days when, before lunch, I've had to clean baby poop that was smeared all over the carpet, clean up broken glass, and got my finger smashed in a drawer all as a result of said precious children (true story...all events transpired this weekend).  In those moments, I am admittedly jealous of my friends who on the same morning slept past 8, got in a good workout, and went to buy a birthday card for a friend (which they subsequently mailed).  I can't tell you the last time I actually remembered to mail a card I bought for someone's birthday! 

In those moments of chaos and frustration, it give me a much deeper appreciation for everything that the mother's in my life go through (or went through) every day.  Mother's give up so much financially, physically, and emotionally to raise children.  That is why today, on Mother's Day, I wanted to take a moment to honor the important mother's that are a part of my life. 

For my mom: Thank you for teaching me to be independent, even thought I know that was harder on you.  I love you and am so thankful that you are always there when I need you.


For my mother-in-law:  You raised such a wonderfully intelligent and caring son.  Thank you for equipping him with everything he needed to grow into the man I love. 

To all of the other amazing Mother's in my life:  What you have done and continue to do for your children is noticed, it is important, and it is appreciated!

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