Thursday, May 29, 2014

Big Boy Bed

A couple of weeks ago, we took the sides off of Barrett's crib and converted it to a toddler bed.  The first week or so, it was like he didn't even realize he could get out of bed.  He didn't fight us at all when we laid him down, and he definitely did not get up at night.  After all, who wouldn't want to sleep in this cozy bed?

Then, he started showing resistance to actually going to bed.  I held the door closed and got him to stay there, and he fell right asleep.  It required a little stamina and a lot of patience, but we made it.  Then we went to the lake this weekend, and he and Audrey were sleeping in the same room on bunk beds.  The first two nights went fine, but the third night, he was up half the night.  He would not stay in bed.  Finally, I shut him in the room with Audrey and let him yell for about 5 minutes.  He locked himself in the room in the process, so I didn't have to worry about him getting out. 

The first night home after the trip to the lake, he was up 3 separate times.  Once he actually walked in our room and woke me up by touching my face.  That was creepy.  The past two nights, I've had to resort to more desperate measures.  I couldn't get him to stay in his room when I put him down last night, and since Billy is gone, I couldn't stand there and hold the door for 20 minutes. I needed to get Audrey to bed.  So, I found a ribbon and tied his door knob to that of the guest bedroom.  When we moved in, I wondered why the doors were angled like they are; now I am thankful for it. 

I was pretty proud of myself, but I can't take credit for the idea.  We used to tie my brother's door to the bathroom door with a jump rope when I was a kid to keep him in his room.  After about 30 minutes, Barrett had quieted down, so I went in to check on him, but couldn't open the door.  Barrett had taken everything off of his bed...a blanket, a quilt, a pillow, 3 lovies, and 6 stuffed animals...piled them behind the door, and fallen on top of the pile.  I had to inch the door open while I moved things out of the way.  After putting him to bed, I went back to my bedroom chuckling to myself and got the best sleep I've had in 4 days. 

When I woke up this morning, I took a shower, got my makeup on, and started to go down to walk the dogs.  When I left my bedroom, I noticed Audrey's door was open, which is odd.  It is usually closed.  I looked in to make sure everything was ok, and this is what I found.

I guess he just got spoiled sleeping in the same room as his sister when we were at the lake. The cutest part of the picture is that Barrett is using Audrey's stuffed animal that fell out of her bed as a pillow.  So, tonight, the ribbon will remain on Barrett's door.  Let's hope Barrett moves past this phase quickly!

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