Sunday, May 4, 2014

Some weekends you sit around and look for things to do.  Other weekends, Sunday comes and you can't wait for your head to hit the pillow because it's been nonstop all weekend.  This weekend was the latter for us.  We had a Derby de Mayo party yesterday with the Phi Mu crew.  Then, today, we went to the Spirit of St. Louis air show after church.  Despite everything going on, Audrey and Barrett did pretty well.  Honestly, they surprised me by how well they did with all of the excitement.  Here is a quick rundown of some of the events and my observations.
  • Audrey and Barrett won the best dressed couple competition at the Derby party yesterday.  I couldn't get them to pose together, but I have separate shots of them with the trophy.

  • Barrett can sleep anywhere.  Last night, he was getting sleepy, so Billy laid him on Mandi and Jeremie's queen sized bed, which was right next to the kitchen were people were congregating.  He didn't make a peep.  I think next weekend we're going to try out the toddler bed for our little man.
  • Barrett can sleep through anything.  He made it until 3:30 today without a nap.  As the Blue Angels started their show, I rocked him to sleep and then laid him in the wagon.  After 2 passes with full afterburners on (I don't exactly know what that means, but I can tell you it is really loud), Barrett didn't move a bit.  Our friends' little girl covered her ears; no one could believe Barrett didn't wake up. 
  •  Audrey could watch Frozen 24 hours a day and not get tired of it.  She watched it at the party last night, and didn't move from the couch while it was on.  Even more surprisingly, she stayed up until 10:30 when we left and didn't whine the whole time, even though she was clearly very tired.
  • If Audrey stopped watching Frozen, it would be to sing the songs.  Every time we go to the playground, she stands at the top of it and belts out one of the songs from the movie at the top of her lungs.  She has a superhero cape that she calls a princess cape.  She insists on wearing it any time we are at the playground.  At first, I tried to get her to stop singing if other people were over there, but the funny thing is, the other kids just join right in.  They all know the Frozen songs, and they all sing them incessantly. 

  • Audrey thought the Blue Angels were really cool.  Even the acrobatic planes didn't impress her that much, but as soon as the Blue Angels did their first pass in the F-18s, she was laughing and smiling. 
  • Both of my kids love the Waterway car wash.  We are part of their clean car club, which is a membership so that you get free washes.  As such, we are there at least once a week.  The kids walk in like they own the place, go straight to the sticker bin by the checkout, and then sit on the same bench and watch. 

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