Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weekends at Home

I love going to the lake, spending time with family and friends, and getting to do many fun things that were not even an option when I was a kid.  I feel so blessed to have these things fill my life.  At the same time, I also appreciate sleeping in on the weekends at home, making banana pancakes, and staying in our pajamas much longer than we should.  This weekend, we got all of that and more, which was a much needed break from the constant going. 

We started by stopping by the Greentree Festival in Kirkwood Friday night.  Since we are in the Kirkwood school district, I am sure that will become an anticipated event as the kids get older.  Then we ran some errands Saturday (including haircuts) and played in the park.  Today, we went to church, made banana nut muffins (from scratch), and had a movie night complete with root beer floats.  To top it all off, the weather has been beautiful, so we've had the windows open all weekend.  It was so nice to just relax and not have a schedule to stick to or places to go.  I know Billy (my extremely extroverted husband) is probably looking forward to being back at work tomorrow so he can be around more people; I have thoroughly enjoyed this weekend though.  It was a much needed weekend at home; I am feeling refreshed and ready to face the week ahead.  It helps that I got a ton of laundry done too! 

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