Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Audrey Ballerina

This evening, Audrey participated in her first dance class.  It is a tap and ballet class for preschoolers.  She was apprehensive when we first got there.  The other dancers had been going for a couple of weeks, so they new the drill, but Audrey hung on to my skirt (literally) and stayed by my side until about 5 minutes into the class after she saw the other children were having fun.  They started with tap, and Audrey found a spot right in front of me so she had an easy retreat if needed.  With each tap of her foot, she got a little braver.  Throughout the tap portion, she frequently turned to look at me for reassurance.  Then, they switched into their ballet shoes, and from there on out, Audrey acted like she owned the place.  I guess she was just more comfortable with the idea of ballet than tap dancing.   She leapt, galloped, balanced and jumped along with the other children, smiling the whole time. 

It was so much fun to watch how joyful she was as she danced with her instructor and new friends.  I caught myself grinning as big as she was a few times, and quickly glanced around to make sure no one noticed.  I didn't need to worry though, because the other parents were doing the same thing.  There is just something that is to stinkin' cute about pink leotards and ballet slippers.  The little boy in the class is the cutest one of all though in his white shirt and black shorts.  I wish I could have captured some action shots, but no one else had cameras, so I felt it might be a little awkward.  I tried to do the next best thing and get some shots of Audrey dressed to impress in her dance outfit.  She did an excellent job of recreating some of the poses she learned in her class today; I promise I didn't pose her, she did that all on her own. 

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