Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday Snow

The weatherman was right.  I really thought he was crazy when he said that we were going to have more than 6 inches of snow the second to last weekend of March.  There have been crazier things, but this is not the norm, even in Missouri.  We tried to get all of our errands done yesterday so that today we would just be able to stay home in the event that the forecast came to fruition.  Alas it did, and boy am I thankful we heeded the warnings.  We did venture out to church this morning, but the drive home confirmed that the plan to stay at home today was a good one.  The snow has been coming down consistently since about 9 this morning.  We are probably nearing 7 or 8 inches right now, and it isn't supposed to let up for another 7 or 8 hours. 

While we did have another big snow this winter and a couple of smaller ones, we hadn't been able to convince Audrey to go out and play in it.  Today, however, the allure overcame her dislike of the cold.  Audrey took several turns down the hill in our back yard on her sled. She only fell off once, and she didn' teven seem to mind. 

We took Barrett out for a couple of minutes, but he got dumped off the sled and was done with it after that.  It was his naptime anyway though. 

I think the dogs enjoyed the snow more than anyone else.  They ran around the yard, sniffed the snow, and tried to catch the snowballs that we were throwing.  Here are some snapshots of the experience.


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