Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Growing so Fast

Both of my children are growing so fast.  Barrett is in that stage where every day he is doing something new.  Just last week, he started waving, walking with push toys, and saying several new words.  He can now say da-da, ma-ma, ah-duh (Audrey), ba-ba, ba (ball), ub (up), hi, and doh (dog).

In the meantime, Audrey surprises me every day by the thoughts she shares with me.  She had a rough day last Friday, and was crying hysterically when I picked her up from school.  She was in trouble because she hit a friend with a lego, because she did not agree with her block placement.  She did not like that she was in trouble, and let everyone know it.  We had a chat when we got home, and since then she has been talking about how God loves everyone, and she loves all of her friends, even though they are mean sometimes.  She has also been telling me at least twice a day that she loves me.  It is so sweet.  I will never get tired of hearing her say, "Mommy.  I love you."  I also have to mention that Audrey also started making her bed all by herself last week.  We'd been helping her and showing her what to do, but I went into her room one day last week to help her, and the bed was already made.  Now we're working on putting our dishes by the sink after meals :)

Here are some videos of the two of them playing.  The second one is another trick Barrett learned.  If he crawls with the dogs' squeaky toy, it squeaks and the dogs chase him. 

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