Tuesday, April 2, 2013

4 Wonderful Years

It is so hard to believe that you are 4...well, when I really think about it, I guess it is not.  You seem so much older than that sometimes.  Just a couple of days ago, when your daddy and I were talking about some improvements we want to make to our house, you told us that "You get what you get and don't throw a fit."  You also like to point out when we say words we shouldn't, help us make sure your brother isn't getting into things, and randomly give me hugs and tell me you love me (that is my personal favorite).  You also give us full reports of everything that has happened at school.  While I am not a fan of the fact that our commute home sometimes takes 30 extra minutes because of traffic, I do enjoy the conversations we have in the car. 

As you grow older, you continue to get more and more opinionated about your wardrobe.  This evening, you picked out the outfit that you want to wear to school tomorrow for your birthday, laid it out on the floor, and even chose which accessories you will wear with it.  Some people may be thinking that this might lead to a future career, but you are instant that you want to be a veterinarian so you can help animals.  Sometimes you want to be a teacher too, but the vet is definitely the top of the list.  I wonder how that will fluctuate as you get older.  One thing is clear though....you are not afraid to take the lead.  During our parent teacher conference last month, your teachers even told us that you weren't afraid to stand up and take charge of groups of children, even larger groups of more than 5 children.  You also love to perform on your "stage" in front of the fireplace (the elevated stone surround).  You sing and dance, and don't like it when your brother tries to join you.

Speaking of Barrett, you love him dearly and he loves you.  He does his best to say Audrey, which comes out more like "Ah-dah."  Anytime you are in the room, he turns his attention to you, and unless he is hungry, you are the best at getting him to stop fussing or throwing a fit.  You are quick to grab him a toy to play or give him a hug to calm him down.  You have your moments where you get frustrated and make it clear that you want him to stop doing what he is doing, but most of the time, watching the way you interact with him and take care of him is very sweet. 

You still love your Bitty Baby; she is your favorite toy by far.  For your birthday, if anyone asked you what you wanted, you gave them a list of items you wanted for Bitty Baby.  You also love to color; you can spend an hour straight sitting at the table drawing and coloring pictures.  I didn't even know that a 4 year old could have that length of attention span!  You love pretend play and like to make up stories about princesses and fairies.  I usually get to be a queen, sometimes evil and sometimes nice.  Barrett has been a handsome prince, an evil king, a frog and a monster.  Daddy likes to be the monster so he has an excuse to wrestle with you and your brother.  Sometimes Jack gets to be the monster too, and then we can throw the ball to distract him.  This imagination of yours also makes for some very creative songs about whatever is on your mind.  You sing them in the car, at school, in the bathtub, at the dinner table, in the cart at the store, and anywhere else you happen to be when you feel like singing.  I love that about you; I hope you never stop singing silly songs. 

Lately you have also started showing a great interest in the Bible.  You love going to your Sunday school class and your class on Wednesday nights at church.  You always come home telling us about what you learned, and reciting Bible stories with surprising accuracy.  I pray that there will never be a day where God is not in your heart.  You have such a kind heart, and I hope you stay that way as long as you live.  A perfect example of that is your desire to be a vet so you can help animals.   Barrett and I have been sick this past week, and you frequently tell me that if you had a real magic wand, you would dress up in your princess dress with a necklace and crown and wave your wand to make us feel better. 

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