Tuesday, November 27, 2012

6 Months

Baby boy...you're not going to be a baby for long!  You are growing so fast.  At a whopping 17 pounds 11 ounces, you tipped the scales at your six month checkup.  You are also 27 inches long now, keeping you in the 95th percentile for height. 

You've spent a lot of the past month fighting colds and even a bronchial infection, but you have still managed to be as happy as ever.  Your smile is contagious; all of your teachers love to hold you because of it, which means you are very used to being held whenever you want.  I can't deny complete responsiblity though, because I love holding you too. 

Your daddy is already starting to groom you for a future athlethic career.  He has his sights set on hockey, but part of me hopes that you will choose a sport with a lower injury rate.  You still haven't gotten to go to a professional hockey game though, because of the NHL strike.  You still wear your Blues onesies proudly, even though it makes your daddy a little sad to see them. 

Your diet is getting ready to change drastically.  You started eating baby food this week, and LOVE IT!  You gobbled up your sweet potatoes the first night, and probably would have eaten the whole container if I had let you.  You will also get to start drinking some water from a sippy cup and eating more rice cereal too.  We tried to capture some photos of your first baby food experience, but had trouble getting a good action shot, because we are also finding out that you like to ham it up for the camera.  Any time you see a camera, you smile.  I was trying to take a video of you playing with Jack, and you stopped playing to look at me a smile.  It does make for a lot of good pictures.  Maybe I should enter you in one of those baby photo contests. 

The holidays will be so much fun with you this year.  I cannot wait to take pictures of you and your sister together in your Christmas outfits, but I hope you also come to appreciate the real reason for the holiday.  I pray every day that you will come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior; that you will love and serve God through this life that he has given you.  I also pray that we will be good parents for you, showing you love and kindess while teaching you to be the adult that God created you to be.  I have loved you since before you were born, but you have such a personality now, and I feel like I am really starting to know you.  That makes me love you more than you will ever know.  You will always be my baby boy, and your mommy will always love you. 

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