Monday, November 12, 2012

Stella's New Look

It has been an exciting couple weeks in the Nance household.  Barrett has started sitting up, Billy got a promotion at work, and we bought a house.  Well, techinically we won't own it until December 20, but more to come on that in a later post.  With everything that has been going on, our dogs have definitely been a little neglected.  Before Audrey was born, the dogs were our babies.  Since Barrett was born, Jackson and Stella have definitely not gotten as much attention as they were getting even after Audrey was born.  The proof is in the pictures; I realized this weekend that I did not have pictures of Barrett with the dogs. I changed that, but still, when we first got the dogs, I took pictures of them constantly.   Soon though, the dogs will have their own fenced in yard where they can run and play to their hearts content. 

Our offer on the house was accepted last week, so today was our home inspection.  The inspection went well, but took a while, so we finished around lunch time.  As we were leaving lunch to run to the tile store, I noticed I had missed a call from the dog groomer where I had dropped off Jackson and Stella this morning.  She had accidentally cut Stella's ear while grooming her, and Stella was on her way to the vet.  In the end, she couldn't get stitches because she had eaten this morning, so they put some liquid stitches on the cut and bandaged her up really well.  They also put a cone on her to prevent her from scratching her ear. 

When I picked up Audrey, I informed her of Stella's injury and the cone. Naturally, I got a thousand questions about how Stella got hurt and her current state.  My hope was that this would prevent too many questions once we got home.  That, however, was not the case.  Audrey asked a thousand more questions, many of which she had already asked.  In the end, Audrey decided to draw a picture of Stella with her cone.  Other than the fact that Stella is purple and has 5 legs, Audrey did a great job of capturing Stella's new look (the red circle in the picture below). 

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