Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas Comes But Once a Year

"Christmas comes but once a year, and now it's here!"  When we returned from our Thanksgiving festivities today, we decorated our apartment.  We did not put out all of our decorations because of our impending move, but we did get out the essentials:  the Nativity, tree, and stockings.  I am very excited for Barrett's first Christmas, and Audrey is at an age to really enjoy things this year.   She remembered some of the decorations and the books that we got out today.  Her favorite toys are still the light up snow globes. 

Unfortunately, the Thanksgiving holiday has totally thrown Audrey off and she is choosing not to listen and to talk back constantly.  I know it is just a phase, and we will come through it.  That doesn't make it any less frustrating.  I want to sing Christmas carols and talk about the birth of our Savior with my daughter.  I don't want her to be sitting on the pillow in her room screaming and crying (or screaming and crying at church...sorry to everyone at the service at First Presby in Greenville this morning) while the rest of us decorate and wrap gifts.  I think the most heart-wrenching part of the issue though is when I take a step back to think about where she learned to act that way.  She's had to observe it, and the people she is around the most are her parents.  So, this holiday season, I feel the need for God's grace so deeply as a parent of a child that is watching my every move.  I also feel true  joy in knowing Jesus died for our sins so that we can freely receive that grace.  I will never be perfect; my children will never be perfect; but Jesus lived the perfect life so we don't have to.  Praise God! 

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