Monday, August 27, 2012

3 Months Old

Three months…it is so hard to believe that it has been three months since you were born.   You are huge, so people that don’t know you think you’re even older than that.  You're so heavy now that I can't hold you for long with just one arm.  I have to use both arms or support you on my hip. 

So much has changed in the past month.  I am working again, which means you are spending your days at DCC in the Sunshine room.  That is the same room your big sis was in when she was a baby.  They love having you there, and you seem to love being there.  The week you started at school, you also started sleeping through the night.  In fact, your first full week you had 3 nights that you slept at least 8 hours without waking me up to eat.  You don’t sleep through every night, but this is major progress and help make me more rested when I go to work. 

You are also developing well.  You can hold your head pretty steady and follow everything with your eyes.  The biggest change is the way you use your hands.  You have started reaching out toward objects, and just this weekend reached up and grabbed my hair when I was changing your diaper.  You’ve also started making a lot of different coo noises.  You coo, goo, bbbbmmm, and squeal when you want to talk to someone. 

One thing that hasn’t changed is how happy you are.  You are always smiling and easily contented.  Last week, your teacher told me you’d had an off day.  When I asked what was wrong, she told me that it was nothing in particular.  You weren’t fussy, but you weren’t smiling and giggling like normal.  I guess if that’s an off day, you’re doing pretty well.  It gives me such joy to see you grin at me; it is hard to be frustrated, angry, or sad when you flash your gums.  I genuinely hope you maintain that happy personality as you get older and continue to lighten hearts when you smile.  

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