Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lake Fun for Father's Day

For father's day, we headed to Lake of the Ozarks for the first time as a family of four to spend some time with both of our dads.  There were definitely some rough moments (particularly when Barrett wouldn't sleep Friday night because he had a tummy ache) but I think Barrett enjoyed his first weekend at the Lake.  He spent a lot of time at the dock, because it worked out that his pack'n'play fits in the new bar on the dock.  He could nap nearby while the rest of us played. He also got "baptised" in Lake of the Ozarks when his daddy dipped his foot in for the first time. 

I know Audrey enjoyed the weekend.  It was the first time she had seen Logan Dipple in over a year, and the two of them played like they were never apart.  They played in the sand box, swam, and pretended to ride the wave runners together.  It is so nice that she has a friend to play with when we are at the Lake.

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