Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Two Weeks Later

Two weeks after bringing Barrett home, we are adjusting to life with a toddler and a newborn.  Sleep is still somewhat elusive, but Barrett and I are starting to get into sort of a daytime routine that allows me to get a few things done around the house aside from caring for him and taking naps to make up for the sleep I am not getting at night. As we figure things out, Audrey continues to learn more about being a big sister too.  Here are a few of the noteworthy moments from the last couple of weeks.

-After worrying about Barrett eating enough to help him get over his jaundice, at his two week checkup today, he weighed 9 pounds 14 ounces.  That made it pretty clear that he is getting enough to eat.  The doctor also said the jaundice is almost gone. 
-I was breastfeeding Barrett a few days ago, and Audrey asked me, "Why are you helping him eat out of there?"  A simple answer that mommy's milk comes out of there and that's how he eats it was all she required.
-Audrey is constantly asking to hold Barrett, but once she has him, is usually done holding him about 2 minutes later. 
-We've had quite a few visitors bringing us dinner, which often includes some dessert.  When Audrey finishes her dinner now, she automatically asks or dessert. 
-Barrett grunts and squirms like crazy when he is having a bowel movement.  Audrey thinks that any time he makes a peep, he is upset.  So, when he is pooping, she runs to him like something is wrong, when really he just needs to be left alone for a few minutes.
-Barrett is starting to like his pacifier.  He is staying awake more between feedings, but often wants to suckle.  His hands sometimes find his mouth too, so we'll see if he ends up being a thumb sucker or a binky baby. 

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